Contracts & Reconciliation

Reconcile invoices
in real time

Instant price audit cuts out manual work, reduces costs, and maximizes your cash flow.

Contracts and reco hero

Fix leaks in milliseconds, not months

Preserve the value you've negotiated by using AI to to validate complex terms including tiered pricing and variable costs.

Two and three way matching

Automatically match invoices against orders and receipts, if you have them, from your transactional systems.

3 and 4 way match
contracted value

Realize the benefits of your hard-negotiated contracts by matching invoices directly against contracts and price lists at the line level. Incorporate tiered pricing and complex terms including IO verification in media.

Realize contract value
Full documentation, minimal change

Pull together documents held in shared drives,  SharePoint, CLM systems, and other places with no change to your process or systems. Use easy integrations to pull shipping records and other transaction documents. OpenEnvoy extracts relevant content from contracts and other records for full audit with no manual work needed.

Full documentation
Full audit of
variable costs

Use AI to seamlessly reconcile invoices against contracts and other records for a seamless “N-way” match. OpenEnvoy handles some of the world's most complex scenarios, including ocean freight.

Cost compliance

Keep up with the latest
finance transformation
trends & insights

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